The Vinternet


Below is selection of practical examples which cover many aspects of front-end website development. All examples have working demonstrations and their relative source code can be found on my Github repository. If you are interested find out more about me.

CSS Animation

This demonstation illustrates a simple animation of the Vinternet logo using CSS3 and utilises the stoke properties of the SVG paths to create a nice visual effect. This demo performs as expected across all evergreen browsers but doesn't play too well in Internet Explorer due to the stroke animation techiques employed.

Client Side Form Validation

This demonstation utilises HTML5 attributes and JavaScript to provide an accessible validation experience in real time on an HTML form which includes many common user input types. This demo performs as expected across all evergreen browsers as well as Internet Explorer versions 10 and above.

Drag & Drop File Uploader

This demonstation uses the standard HTML input, the dataTransfer object and JavaScript to provide an accessible file uploader. The solution also provides working examples of file size and file type validation which can be customised on the HTML input element directly. This demo performs as expected across all evergreen browsers as well as Internet Explorer versions 10 and above.